Durham County
HomeOpen Space Matching Grants FAQ's
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Is this program open to only IRS recognized non-profits?
Answer: No, organizations that are not IRS recognized non-profits can apply for up to $5,000 in funding through the short form application. Projects requesting over $5,000 do require non-profit status.
Question: How detailed does my application need to be to be approved?
Answer: The more detail and thoroughness will allow the Committee to make more efficient and informed decisions. If areas of clarification are noted, the Program Administrator will contact the requesting organization for more information.
Question: What types of projects will be approved for matching funds?
Answer: Playgrounds, walking trails, land acquisition with intent to preserve open space, recreational facilities (disc golf courses, soccer goals, etc.) are examples of projects that have been previously funded. Generally speaking the program is seeking to fund projects that support the missions of preserving greenspace, developing walking trails, or recreational areas (to include playgrounds).
Question: We need to refurbish or repaint our existing playground equipment, will this be approved for funding?
Answer: Additions to existing projects are eligible, however work to rehabilitate existing projects are not. In other words, the project must offer a new recreational amenity or opportunity to be considered.
Question: We want to add benches, picnic tables, or a new bathroom for our open space area, are these items eligible for funding?
Answer: No, these projects standing alone would not be considered as they are not directly related to recreation or the core mission of this program. However, if part of the project (less than 50%) includes these items, then the overall project would certainly be considered.
Question: Will Durham County provide insurance to cover volunteers or citizens interacting with our project?
Answer: The requesting agency is responsible for insuring the project and must provide the level of coverage that the County requires.
Question: When will I hear if my agency’s project has been approved?
Answer: Once an application is accepted, the Committee will meet in early December to start the decision process (questions may be filtered back to the requesting agency during this time), and final decisions are usually made in January, with Board of County Commissioner approval in early February. All timeframes mentioned herein are estimates and are not a guarantee.
Question: Our agency just completed a new playground; can we seek funding to reimburse us for these costs?
Answer: Only projects commenced after approval of the final contract are eligible for funding.
Question: Who makes the decision to approve our request?
Answer: The Matching Grants Committee makes recommendations for funding to the Durham Open Space and Trails Commission. The Durham County Board of Commissioners provides final approval.
Question: I have more questions, or need some help with the application?
Answer: Please feel free to contact Brendan Moore(program administrator) in the Durham County Open Space and Real Estate Office for any questions you may have. (919)-560-7957 or brmoore@dconc.gov
For more FAQ's, please check out our brochure: MG Brochure 2022